We have walked our separate pilgrimages through professional careers in education and organized religion. We’ve made these journeys holding hands as a married couple for over 50 years. We’ve experienced the joys of being parents and now grandparents. We’ve traversed through the dark stormy days of grief and failure. We’ve written a book together offering many stories about pilgrimage being a way of life. We are deeply passionate about seeking Wisdom’s Way in our journey and with fellow travelers. We've traveled with many companions for over 20+ years. Experience has formed and matured us, yet it has not given us the permission to tell anyone how to live their life. We do not have all the answers—few, in fact. Our questions mount every day leading us into new understandings. About Gil... Passion: Pilgrimage Gil is a writer, spiritual companion, life coach, and alchemist of the soul. His spiritual practices include tarot, dreamwork, trance experience, and Carl Jung’s Active Imagination. He has spent his life working among young adults, particularly the spiritual but not religious. He has worked as a college baseball coach, university president, and an Episcopal priest. Life is a pilgrimage, and he has taken many, including walking Ireland coast-to-coast.
About Cathy... Passion: Engaging compassionate presence Cathy is a seeker of Sophia Wisdom and a pilgrim of compassionate presence. Her journey for over 35 years was as an educator traveling through the worlds of elementary school teacher, college professor, and public-school superintendent. In 2012, she retired from public school work, stepping onto a new path leading her into the forest, fields, waterways, and sometimes deserts of interfaith spiritual exploration and companioning. She has completed advanced coursework for The Circle Way, remembering the ancient social process of circle where everyone is welcomed into safe space to explore and find their own authentic way in the world. In 2014, Tacheria Interfaith Spirituality Center supported Cathy and Gil in beginning a sister program in Phoenix, Arizona, named Wisdom’s Way Interfaith School. She was the director until retiring from this work in June 2022. Life is a pilgrimage, and she has taken many including hiking the Wicklow Way in Ireland.